H1-H1V / H2-H2V / HC / HE / B1-B1V / B2-B2V / BR / BC / BE / BP
MS612 – 21 hours (BT) or 28 hours (BT + HT) or 14 hours for recycling
Training objectives and targeted skills
▪ Mastering and implementing the norm NF C18-510* *NF C18-510 is a french regulation regarding operations in an electrical risk environment.
Professional electricians (LV and HV).
The principal aim behind RECYCLING is to update knowledge, to redefine the tasks and sectors authorized according to new rules and new equipment.
Supports: slide shows, video, laboratory electrical equipment, decks for hands-on practical experiments.
The APTELEC evaluation quiz will be used as a standard.
The lecturer is an expert in the field with thirty years of experience.
According to the CARSAT statistics, 80% of injuries are due to behavioural skills.
40-30 is providing in these training sessions the unique opportunity to face and to handle real situations.