MS414 - 72 hours
The program for this course is validated by COFREND according to standard ISO 9712: 2012.
Learning objectives
Understanding the main problems in production and maintenance. Proposing a technique and/or a complementary method of defect characterization. To manage all NDT level staff. Detailed revision of the leak testing theory. Acquisition of the required knowledge for level 3 in fluid mechanics.
Who will benefit most ?
Certified level 2 leak testing agents. Technicians, engineers or control officers.
COFREND LT level 2 certification. This course is accessible to technicians or control officers who do not have the COFREND LT 2 certification if they take the LT 2 Practical course. Please, contact the training department.
Innovative teaching resources
Lectures, controlled practical exercises, demonstrations. Custom training manual. Theory assessment and practical tests to measure individ-ual proficiency by the end of the training period.
Price per person
Please, contact us.
Dates & location
Training Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30
For other dates or other locations, contact us.
In your premises or in one of our training centers.
In charge of the training session
Michel THIAM : PhD in Physics (Strong Experience in Surface Physics and Surface Chemistry under UHV Conditions), from 40-30 Engineering Department; certified COFREND NDT Using level 2.
REVISION OF THE LEVEL 2 PROGRAM 1. Gas - Gas throughput and flow - Flow through thin walls - Flow through tubes - Non circular cross sections - Leak capillaries and cracks
2. Liquids - Surface tension - Flow apertures and canalizations - Non circular cross sections - Different types of leaks
3. Transformation of liquid loss into gas flow - Calculation assistance : nomograms / software
PROCEDURES SPECIFICATIONS 1. Validation rules for a sample to be leak tested 2. Leak testing specifications 3. Calculation of threshold detectable leakage rate 4. Acceptance and rejection criteria
THE ART OF PROCEDURES WRITING 1. Content 2. Chronology 3. Use 4. Leak testing procedures 5. Leak testing specifications 6. Safety and Health
FOR INFORMATION : This course is for candidates wishing to register for the COF-REND LT level 3 certification exam. The level 3 certification exam has two types of test, a so-called «basic» exam and an exam on the main method for which the exam is being passed. The LT 3 course prepares for the main method exam. The so called «basic» exam is a general written exam. It covers the candidate’s knowledge of technology and material engineering applied to his/her sector of activity, the knowledge of certification rules and the general knowledge of four nondestructive control methods (including the main method) with a test of 60 level 2 questions. Contact us for the list of centers offering preparations for this exam. Furthermore, to be able to register for the COFREND level 3 certification exam, it is mandatory to succeed in the level 2 exam.