Mass Flow Controllers (MFC): fundamentals, techniques and applications

MS114 - 7 hours TRAINING OBJECTIVESTo understand the gas flow control. AUDIENCEMFC’s users with a technical background. INNOVATIVE TEACHING RESOURCESThis training session will provide you with all the ele-ments to fully understand the Mass Flow technology, their evolution and their environment (gas categories, type of seals…) to optimise their use and lifespan. A troubleshooting methodology will be handed out to you. The course will alternate between lectures and exercises, demonstrations and practical work on gas panel. DATE & LOCATION & PRICETraining Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30 Each session is limited to 6 trainees. IN CHARGE OF THE TRAINING SESSIONAndré TINNIRELLO : Manager of maintenance depart-ment |
PROGRAM1. Elements of a MFC 2. What’s a MFC? 3. Technical approach 4. Hands-on exercises