Best use of vacuum systems

MS128 - 14 hours LEARNING OBJECTIVESTo understand pumping technologies. WHO WILL BENEFIT MOST?Technicians and engineers. PREREQUISITESPreliminary experience on vacuum installations is recommended. INNOVATIVE TEACHING RESOURCESAlternating lectures and “hands-on” exercises. PRICE per personPlease, contact us. DATES & LOCATIONTraining Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30 Can be also held in your premises for a specific training. MAIN TRAINERPierre-Aimé BOISSON: Maintenance Engineer, used to solve maintenance and productivity issues on vacuum pumps
PROGRAM1. The physics of vacuum 2. Operation and use of vacuum pumps Selection of equipment depending on your work situation: Rotary vane pumps, piston pumps, roots pumps, dry pumps: membrane pumps, scroll pumps, screw pumps, molecular pumps, turbo molecular pumps, diffusion pumps, fixation pumps, cryogenic pumps, Chillers 3. Operation and use of connecting elements 4. Operation and use of measuring instruments 5. Hands-on exercises – answers and questions