Turbomolecular pumps: principles and maintenance

MS123 - 14 hours LEARNING OBJECTIVESOperating principles of turbo molecular pumps WHO WILL BENEFIT MOST?Maintenance staff and users. INNOVATIVE TEACHING RESOURCESThis training will enable you to solve the most common failures on this type of equipment and increase their lifespan. During this training, AMPS (Advanced Maintenance Procedures System) will be used as an interactive training tool, to carry out maintenance. The instructor will use various multimedia tools to help you understand the technology further. PRICE per personPlease, contact us. DATES & LOCATIONTraining Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30 Can be also held in your premises for a specific training. MAIN TRAINERPierre-Aimé BOISSON: Maintenance Engineer, used to solve maintenance and productivity issues on vac-uum pumps.
PROGRAM1. The Physics of vacuum 2. Operating principles of turbo molecular pumps 3. Operation and use of turbo molecular pumps 4. Troubleshooting 5. First level Maintenance Hands-on training: lubrication and operation According to the customer’s need, a tailored training session can be organized.