Gas pumping systems

MS129 - 14 hours COURSE OBJECTIVESTo understand the different technologies used to produce vacuum and their use within industries. AUDIENCETechnicians, process and research engineers. PREREQUISITESPrior experience on vacuum installations is recommended. IINNOVATIVE TEACHING RESOURCESThe training will take place at 40-30 facilities where we maintain primary and secondary vacuum pumps. We can also arrange this training at your site if this is required. PRICE per personPlease, contact us. DATE & LOCATIONTraining Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30 Can be also held in your premises for a specific training. MAIN TRAINERMichel THIAM: PhD in Physics (Strong Experience in Surface Physics and Surface Chemistry under UHV Conditions), from 40-30 Engineering Department; certified COFREND NDT Using level 2.
PROGRAM1. Vacuum physics and technology 2. Flows 3. Vacuum production 4. Pressure measurements 5. Operation and replacement of connecting elements 6. Operation of measurement equipment