Use of Helium Leak Detectors (HLD)

MS115 - 14 hours COURSE OBJECTIVESRealize an effective detection and interpret the results correctly; AUDIENCELeak detector users PREREQUISITESPrior experience on leak detectors or vacuum installations is preferable. INNOVATIVE TEACHING RESOURCESIn order to favour the acquisition of practical know-how (precautions and limitations of use, one or two working methods, functioning of equipment) you will be instructed by handling detectors, observing and analysing different situations. PRICEPlease, contact us. DATES & LOCATIONTraining Department : +33(0)4 76 84 40 30 Can be also held in your premises for a specific training. MAIN TRAINERMichel THIAM: PhD in Physics (Strong Experience in Surface Physics and Surface Chemistry under UHV Conditions), from the 40-30 Engineering Department, Certified NDT Leak detection level 2.
PROGRAM1. Theoretical elements 2. Mass spectrometry helium type detectors 3. The method selected will be specified to trainers and trainees. 4. Detailed study of an ASM 122 D and/or ASM 142 5. Detailed study of an UL 1000 FAB detector 6. Precautions and limitations of use